CRCA Board Meeting-Minutes
Date: April 9, 2014, 7:15 pm
Location: 115 W. 18th Street, NY, NY (office of Josh Sakofsky)

In attendance: Jayson Jacobs (president), Ken Edwards, Joe Grgic, Roger Parmelee, Josh Sakofsky, Ann Marie Miller, Robert Duncker, Liz Marcello, Ashley Doane, Barb Blakley, David Carr and guest Stephen Chang.


1) Website overall (Joe and Ken) – Joe Grgic circulated mock-ups of preliminary web-design for discussion. Appreciation was expressed to him for his work on this. He needs sketches from board members of what functionality would be helpful to each of their jobs asap.

After the web-design is done, the board will revisit hosting and related issues.

The following motion was made by Josh Sakofsky and passed by the board:

Racing skills sessions from this point forward will not be required of new members of CRCA who are cat. 3 or above. Skills sessions are still recommended for all new members. Starting in the 2015 season, all new members will be required to do the two marshaling sessions per year required of members more generally. [Thus this will revoke skills sessions counting as one of the two marshaling dates for new members for those racers who join CRCA  after 2014.]

2) Paris-Roubaix viewing party (Liz) – BXL Sunday, April 13 BXL(125 West 43rd Street) at 5pm

Discussed technical issues for insuring that we have viewing. Ashley will bring back-up file of race. Liz will follow up on whether BXL has functional internet link and take care of having computer to provide projection. Ken to purchase race via

3) Instagram (Barb Blakley)– after a slowish start, this is underway and expanding

4) Bear Mountain – It was resolved to add a Masters field. Details will follow.

5) Bear Mountain Promotion –

Roger is working with various options for significant name sponsorship
Ann Marie Miller proposed Bear Mountain recon ride to reintroduce racers to the course
Joe will update page on race
Barb Blakley will try to work with club members (Ace McDade and Jim Boyd mentioned as some possibilities) on brief webstory about history of Bear Mountain race

6) Composite teams – Barb Blakley will work on advance organizing for 2015

7) Marshaling

Josh will work to arrange marshals to monitor people riding on paths in Rambles, riding in reverse (DQ for both), and provide extra instruction for marshals. Question discussed of online quiz or the like to help with marshal orientation.

(to be discussed at Thursday meeting of board members with Central Park officials)

8) Laptop for club races – Present laptop is outdated and has bad battery. Jayson will follow up with Ken on purchase of newer laptop.

9) New member recruitment – Moved and passed to offer on the spot membership joining opportunity at Orchard (by hand) as trial to see if it is effective means of recruitment. Initial membership cost to be offered – $55

10) Junior Development – To be discussed further, ideally through having Ariel at next meeting to clarify budget, what they need, etc.

11) Sponsorships update – Roger Parmelee updated the board on discussions with various potential sponsors

General Follow-up

Jayson – club email (post-meeting with CPC officials) r.e. plans on enforcing rules on riding in reverse and in Rambles and on BXL Paris-Roubaix viewing party

Ashley – email to team managers r.e. plans on enforcing rules, BXL Paris-Roubaix party, and updated roster (for directors to view roster and suspended members)

Postponed for email or later meetings:

Grants Tomb recap and future of race (Liz will email David about issues)

Further discussion of policy r.e. club member riding behavior outside park

Club Archives – John Tomlinsen’s work on the CRCA archives – Budget for scanning photos (estimate $540) and storage for 10 bankers boxes (Museum? NY Public Library, the Museum of the City of New York, the New York Historical Society, and possibly Brooklyn College which holds a collection of material about boxing in New York City)