Attendees included: Reed Albergotti, Sonny Bindra, Noah Gellner, Mike Green, David Greenberg, Ken Harris, Wendy Nickerson, and Greg Ventresca.
The meeting addressed the following:
1. July Minutes – The minutes from the July, 2009 meeting were distributed for Board review.
2. September Meeting – The next meeting was scheduled for Monday, September 14th. The meeting will be held at Sonny Bindra’s office at 6:45 p.m.
3. Marshal Responsibilities For Members Who Have Moved – The Board discussed what the policy should be for CRCA members that move outside of the NY metro area. Following discussion, it was unanimously agreed that: (a) members must provide notice of a move from the NY metro area in advance of any marshaling dates, (b) if notice is timely received, the members will be exempt from any remaining marshaling responsibilities, and (c) if a member provides proper notice later re-joins CRCA, he/she will be treated as a “new” member. If a member does not follow the procedures above and rejoins CRCA, he/she will be required make up missed marshaling assignments in addition to new member requirements. Mike Green will post a news item describing this policy.
4. Cat 5 to 4 Upgrades – The Board discussed the Cat 5 to Cat 4 upgrade policy and whether CRCA races should “count” as qualifying races. Previously, CRCA races were considered qualifying races for a Cat 5 to Cat 4 upgrade. Eric Ragot, who replaced Alan Atwood as the rep. to the NY State local association for US Cycling has opposed using CRCA races for these purposes. Ken Harris indicated he would contact Dieter Drake (to whom Eric reports) and Mike Green agreed to contact Alan Atwood so that both Dieter and Eric could reconsider Eric’s position on this. [Note: following the meeting, Eric Ragot agreed to continue to allow CRCA races to be counted for Cat 5 to Cat 4 upgrades.
5. Stolen Bags – There was an incident at a Club bike race where a bag was stolen from the pile of bags that racers leave near the Cat’s Paw start/finish. Mike Green will post a note warning members not to bring valuables to club races and that CRCA is not responsible for any bags.
6. Inson Woods – Dangerous Riding- There was a significant bike crash at the club championships involving Inson Woods, who has gained a reputation as a potentially dangerous rider. It was unanimously agreed that Inson will be put on notice regarding safety. In addition, John Eustice and John Loehner have agreed to take Inson out on a training ride/skills session to address the issue.
7. Marshal Assignment Efficiency – The Board discussed how to speed up the marshal line for Club races. After discussion, it was agreed that that primary delay is due to special requests that marshals have to be assigned to a particular location. It was agreed that the Marshal Director (Sonny Bindra) would list the order of assignments.
8. Formats For Upcoming Races – The Board discussed the formats for upcoming races. For August 8th, we will have Masters, B, C, and Women’s (3/4). Cat 1-2 women can ride with the men or masters. For August 15th, in order to accommodate the Men’s Clinic, we will have A, B, Women’s, and Men’s Clinic. New C races can do the Men’s Clinic.
8. Tax Status – CRCA had previously attempted to change its tax status to 501(c)(3). The initial response from the IRS indicates that the IRS would not change CRCA’s status given that it appears to meet the definition under 501(c)(7) (social and recreational clubs). Ken Harris agreed to discuss this matter with Tom Kempner, who previously had supported the Club’s effort relating to a 501(c)(3) for development.
David Greenberg
CRCA Secretary