Throughout 2011 the CRCA board emphasized to members the importance of riding safely at all times, including being aware of and giving way to pedestrians no matter what the circumstances.  Choosing appropriate times to train in Central Park is a big part of that.  I continue to urge you to do that and encourage others to do the same.  Keeping the parks and our city safe for all users should be a shared goal by all.  If we don’t take the appropriate due care, we should expect consequences.

We should also expect consequences for drivers who break the law and cause injury others.  Please join Transportation Alternatives, New York Cycle Club, CRCA and other members of our community at Rally For Traffic Justice on Wednesday November 30, 2011 at 8:30am at 1 Police Plaza.  If you cannot attend, please take the time to voice your concern over the lack of enforcement here.


Rod Millott