By Christopher Uglietta, Secretary

The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Century Road Club Association was held on Monday, January 8, 2007 commencing at 6:30 pm at the offices of WP Carey. Board members Ken Harris, Martha Lees, Ben Harris, Tom Laskey, Marc Mauceri, Craig Cook, Wendy Nickerson, Wendy Cohen, and Christopher Uglietta were present. Also present were Club members Rob Kolb and Antony Slokar.

The time, date, and location of the next meeting will be at 6:45 pm on Monday, February 12th at a restaurant in Midtown (exact location TBD).

The minutes of the December Board meeting were approved.

Rob Kolb and Antony Slokar reported on their Harlem Crit planning meeting with Michael Green, Dan Schmalz and David Walker.

The Lou Maltese race was confirmed for July 7.

Marc Mauceri proposed that in lieu of cash prizes, the Club award trophies to Club race podium finishers. Due to logistical issues, it was decided to continue with the current cash prize system. It was also noted that a special reminder of the cash prizes should be posted to Club members since many may not be aware of their existence.

Craig Cook sought feedback on the Club coaching sessions and it was determined that better publicity for them is needed.

Ken Harris gave an update on the status of the Club’s 501(c)(3) application. The IRS had additional questions about the Club’s junior program. Additional information was submitted by the Club’s lawyer and is under review by the IRS.

Craig Cook expressed concern that the Men’s Racing Clinic is unsafe, and cited the many unfortunate crashes that occurred during the 2006 edition. After a lengthy discussion, the board voted that as a trial for 2007, the Club will not host a Men’s Racing Clinic. Instead, it will allow non-members to participate in one or possibly two specially-designated Club C races. These races will occur under close experienced-racer supervision.

Marc Mauceri proposed holding a Club race with an earlier, 5:45AM start time to allow for a longer race. The board agreed.

The Board voted to approve the joint appointment of Rob Kolb and Antony Slokar to the Director of Open Racing position, while maintaining the single vote accorded to the position.

At approximately 8:45 pm the meeting adjourned.