CRCA Board Meeting
May 2, 2010

Attendees — Sonny Bindra, David Bowen, Gabby Fisher, Chris Forsyth, Mike Green, David Greenberg, Camie Kornely, and Wendy Nickerson

1. Next Board Meeting — Monday, June 7th, 6:45 p.m. at Reebok Club

2. Bear Mtn — The Board discussed the Bear Mountain road race, including some changes that were required due to course reconfiguration due to road closures (i.e., the race will be run so that there was only 1 field on the course at a time since otherwise there would be a risk that 2 fields would pass each other in opposite directions, a scenario that may be dangerous).

A. Registration — Gabby Fisher provided an update regarding registration numbers. Mike Green expressed concern regarding lagging registrations, particularly in the Womenis ae race. Mike Green noted that the Giro Di Cielo is the same weekend as Bear and some members have signed up for that race — Mike urged all to stress to members that we need support for the Bear Mtn race, particularly in fields where we currently have low turnout.

B. Financial Impact — Given that we are running Bear Mtn this year in 2 phases over 8 hours, we have additional costs. The race may turn out to be run at a deficit but the Board feels itis important to keep this race going and to retain the date on the calendar. Mike noted that insurance Policy costs have increased from 2009; these costs went from $1500 last year to $4095.

C. Course Condition n Camie Kornely noted that there are some spots on the course where there are potholes or rough pavement. We should call the Parks Dept. to fix this. Gabby Fisher agreed to contact the Parks Department to address the issue.

D. Marshals n Total of 80 marshals currently available, including drivers. 10 cars and 2 motos currently allocated for race. We may want to remove 2 motos n Sonny Bindra will confer with M. Green. Sonny Bindra will update those who have signed up as a moto to let them know if they need to be converted to a course marshal. We will use 2 shifts of marshals: Shift 1 n will arrive at 7 a.m. Shift 2, will arrive at 12 p.m.

E. Registration n Binders are set.

F. Trailer n Tables, chairs, etc. need to be brought up to the race. Camie Kornely and Ric Wolf will need a permit to get into Central Park to pick-up items from the CRCA trailer.

G. Nature Valley Gran Prix n We need a ambassador to find/acknowledge members that qualify for Nature Valley Gran Prix. Mike Green agreed to serve as the Nature Valley ambassador.

3. Time Trial — The Board discussed the Seven Lakes time trial, including the following:

A. Start Time — 8:00 a.m. start

B. Permits — Permits are in place.

C. Marshals Gabby Fisher — 26 marshals will be utilized.

D. Points — ITT will count for Boyd points; TTT to count for Team Cup.

F. Prize List n We have list of prizes per field, and will need to allocate the payouts by place. Mike G. will provide this to Wendy Nickerson so that checks can be cut.

4. Alpine Time Trial
A. Status — Will wait to decide whether to have this in

5. Harlem
A. Sponsorship — The Board agreed unanimously that CRCA should return as a sponsor for the Harlem Crit in light of current economic conditions and the importance maintaining this historic race, with strong community ties. CRCA will donate $2,500.

6. Cat 5 Upgrades/Race Registration By Category
A. Upgrade Requirement — CRCA races can be used to upgrade from Cat 5 to Cat 4. However, in order to facilitate this, CRCA will need to provide a list of riders per category.

B. C Field Rider Limits — The C Field, which has Category 5 riders cannot have more than 50 riders due to USCF limits on the size of Category 5 fields.

C. Registration By Category — In order to enable CRCA to more easily provide a list of riders in each field, the Board decided to change race-day registration so that there are separate registration lines for A, B, C/Women. David Bowen will contact Alex Rodriguez to ensure that we have printouts organized in a way to enable registration by field.

7. Coaches
A. Membership Category — Each coach must become a CRCA member in order to coach. Thus, Chad Butts will need to become at least an Associate Member in order to coach riders in the C field.

David Greenberg