January 2011 Board Meeting

Date:                January 11, 2011

Location:          “Penang” – 127 West 72nd Street, 6:30pm


Dave Jordon, Scott Willingham, Zak Abdullah, Rod Millott, Jen Saunders, Robert Duncker, Rob Weitzner, Sonny Bindra, Chris Loudon, Michael Green

1. Minutes from December meeting

The minutes from the December Board meeting as distributed were unanimously approved by the Board

2. Board Participation

Dave Jordan thanked the members of the Board for agreeing to serve and asked that all members take their position seriously and indicated his view that attending Board meetings in person was critical to the Board’s success.

3. 2011 Club Uniform Provider

Dave Jordan requested the Board member’s input whether the club should continue to use Champion Systems to supply the club’s uniform.  There was discussion amongst all regarding the quality of the clothing from various suppliers and the importance of reducing financial risk to the club and the importance of fulfillment by the supplier directly to the members to minimize the level of effort involved.

It was agreed that Champion System’s ability to warehouse and deliver item directly to the members was seen as critical with such a large club.  Since that process has worked well in the past, and considering the risks involved in changing suppliers at this stage, it was agreed that the club should continue to use Champion Systems to provide the club uniform.

4. USA Cycling Status

Dave Jordan reported that although the club is still in a pended status with USA Cycling, USAC was continuing to allow members to renew their licenses.  In order to reinstate the Club’s standing with USAC, the club needed to file the required post-event reports for the coaching series for 2010 and the pay the requisite fees, including late fees.

Dave Jordan indicated that he had again been in touch with Tony Slokar who had all the forms and said he was working to complete the required paperwork.

Concern was expressed by other Board members regarding the need to immediately resolve the issue so that the upcoming coaching series could obtain the required permit, along with the club races.  Dave indicated that he had also discussed the issue with Greg Olsen who was also looking to assist in resolving.

It was agreed that Dave would continue to work with Tony to expedite the filing of the required post-event forms and resulting payment of fees including late fees.

5. Acquisition of Laptop Computers

Zak Abdullah presented a proposal to the Board to consider acquiring laptop computers to be used at race check in.  The cost of the lapstops and additional equipment required was expected to be approximately $2,000.  The use of computers would aid in the collection of rider data by the club, especially to assist with Cat 5 upgrade data required to be provided to the regional representative responsible for verifying eligible race starts.

There was discussion of some of the challenges that using computers would present including weather, inexperienced users (check-in is manned by different members each race), storage or transportation during the week and lack of available power supply.

The Board agreed that for the time being the existing process should be maintained, but that further consideration should be given to the purchase of a single lap top computer which could be used to transfer the manual data into a spreadsheet (even if only for category 5).  This will be discussed further at a future meeting.

6. Club Race Dates and Formats

Zak Abdullah noted that the park race dates had been set and announced on the CRCA website.  The format of each race had not yet been determined nor had definitive dates been set for certain races such as the club championship, Maltese etc.  Various views were expressed regarding the timing of the club championship race, but it was ultimately agreed that the date should be towards the end of the season.

The use of various race formats was discussed and whether new formats should be included. Dave Jordan expressed a desire to provide variability in racing to help prepare club members for Open races during the season.  Formats that required minimum time cuts per laps (for example) were discussed.  No decisions were made and it was agreed that Zak and Dave would work to prepare a proposal for the next meeting regarding race formats and the full calendar for the year.

7. Marshaling

Rob Weitzner presented his proposal for marshaling requirements for the year.  Based on his analysis he had determined that given the size of the club there was no longer a need to have new members marshal three times a year.  It was agreed that (provided sufficient marshaling resources were always available to ensure safety) changing this requirement would help reduce one of the barriers to potential new members joining.  If during the season it was determined that the club would be short of marshaling resources, the policy could be changed to require new members to again marshal an extra time.

Rob also discussed that current penalty for not showing up for a Marshaling date was immediate suspension from racing until that member had made up a replacement marshaling date and a penalty marshaling date.  Rob proposed that the rule be amended to eliminate the penalty date for a first offence.

Some Board members expressed concern that this would in effect give members an ‘easy out’ by simply not showing up.  This was discussed and it was agreed that since the member was nevertheless suspended until the marshal date was made up, there was still a strong incentive to show up for marshaling.

The Board unanimously approved the revised policy.

There was additional discussion regarding the use of substitutes including consideration of a requirement that all substitutes be members of the club.  There was concern that at least some substitutes were not as effective as we would expect and that sometimes that appeared to be placed at what Board members considered to be critical locations.

It was agreed that further consideration should be given to how marshals are assigned their locations with a view to ensuring our experienced members are placed at the most critical locations.

8. Membership Renewal Opening

An update was provided by Rob Duncker on progress towards opening up membership renewals.  Michael Green indicated that he had updated the database for the new races.  Additional steps were however still required, however now that the revised marshaling policy was agreed this could now be implemented. Rob agreed to move this forward over the next week or so to facilitate commencement of membership renewals with the assistance of other Board members as necessary.

9. Granting of ‘Waivers & Release’

Dave Jordan described the current situation in which certain members of the club race request a ‘Waiver and Release’ to race with different clubs in open races.  This provides those members with access to the Club races in Central Park, while competing against the club in other Open Races.

This is allowed under USA Cycling rules provided the club of which the individual is a member grants a ‘waiver and release’.  The intention of this rule was to allow riders in a club to attend an open race and race with another team where their club was not fielding sufficient riders to form a team.

Dave expressed his view that the current practice is not in keeping with the spirit of the rule and may undermine the club’s sense of community.  He sought the other Board member’s views on whether the current approach should be maintained on a case by case basis, or an alternative approach be implemented more in line with the original purpose of the rule.

There was discussion to clarify that in no case can a member of another club race in a CRCA club race.  This is expressly prohibited by USA Cycling rules.  No waivers or releases are available to overcome this.  The only issue that remained is whether the club wants to continue to allow certain of its members (of which it is believed there are consistently 5 or so) to race in non-club races for other teams.

It was noted that each of these members still had to marshal and were each members in good standing with the club.  An alternative view was expressed that provided these members fulfilled their marshaling duties, paid their dues and all requirements of USA Cycling rules were being adhered to by the Club and the members, no real harm was being done.

No agreement on this matter was reached and Board members were asked to consider the issue further.  The issue should be again discussed at the next meeting so that the Club’s policy on this can be articulated to the members.

10. Next Meeting

The next meeting was set for Thursday February 3rd at 6:30, same location.

The meeting concluded at 9pm.

These minutes were approved by the Board on February 3rd.