The Century Road Club Association’s board of directors voted to suspend two of its members Thursday evening for fighting after the Sept. 26 Team Cup Finale.

Setanta’s Steve Marmo was given a seven race suspension and Foundation’s Eutimio Quintero was suspended for three.

The scuffle, which involved extended loud cursing and a thrown bike, drew attention from dozens of people who were attempting to enjoy the pleasant Fall morning in the Central Park.

“When people see this sort of thing happening in Central Park and associate it with bike racing, it jeopardizes the entire club,” said CRCA board member Ken Harris. “We want to send a strong signal that cursing and any amount of violence before, during and after bike races will not be tolerated.”

Marmo was heard after the race cursing loudly at Quintero over what Marmo believed was a dangerous move during the race. Quintero threw water at Marmo, who retaliated by throwing his bike at Quintero and chasing him.

“It doesn’t matter what happens during a race, there is no justification for fighting,” said CRCA president Mike Green.

Marmo apologized for losing control after the race. “I understand my behavior was unacceptable and puts bike racing in the Park at risk. I promise it will never happen again. I would like to apologize to the CRCA, my fellow racers and the entire cycling community,” Marmo said in a statement.

The two riders can resume racing after sitting out their suspensions. They have to renew their CRCA memberships before the suspensions can begin and will be allowed to serve marshalling duty during their suspensions.