The CRCA met with the Central Park Conservancy to present their annual donation and discuss the usage of Central Park on December 22. Overall, CPC President Doug Blonsky agreed that we’re doing pretty well in sharing the park among an increased number of users. He said that CRCA sets the standard in running cycling events in the park. It is CRCA’s membership marshaling that has made it possible to continue racing in the park. The effectiveness of CRCA’s membership marshaling is reflected in New York Roadrunner’s recently implementing a similar program.

CRCA donated $13,000 this year. This is an increase from $11,000 in 2010. Of the $13,000, $1,950 was from member contributions. Forty-five members donated. They will be receiving CPC membership, including some CPC discounts on CPC events and merchandise.

It is very important to work well with the CPC. They do a great job in maintaining the park. It will be nice to continue increasing our contributions to CPC but this will increasingly depend on member donations.