CRCA Board Meeting-Minutes

Date:               July 23, 2014, 7:15 pm

Location:         Office of Josh Sakofsky

In attendance: Jayson Jacobs (president), Ken Edwards, Roger Parmelee, Josh Sakofsky, Ann Marie Miller, Robert Duncker, Lucia Deng, Ashley Doane, Joe Grgic, Liz Marcello, and David Carr . By phone: Ashley Doane.

0) Voting via email—under what circumstances is a vote by email to be done, and are votes public or private (sent to just one individual)?

 Motion passed: Votes can be done by email to the secretary, who will report the vote (with names attached) to the whole board. If the vote is unanimously in favor, it will go forward. If not, it will be postponed to the next board meeting.

 1) Cash Position Update – Ken Edwards (also anticipating Sept. presentation of template for 2015 budget

Ken discussed the club’s financial position that predicted the club’s financial situation by the end of 2014 and committed to producing a budget template for 2015 by October, along with additional data including an overview of the costs and expenses specifically connected to open racing in 2014, costs and expenses specifically connected to club racing, and a member RLI outlining what each member is spending for each line item.

 2) CPC Donation – Ken Edwards moves an increase from our previous year’s donation

On a motion from Ken Edwards, the board passed a motion to increase our overall 2015 donation to the Central Parks Conservancy by $1000

 3) Discussion of potential priorities r.e. open racing for the 2015 CRCA racing season given the load put on the board, the particular problems with the CPC after park open races (Maltese and Mengoni), decreasing CRCA membership, reduced cat 5 (or C) field.

 The board had an initial discussion of this subject, and identified it as a focus for a future meeting. The current board staffing makes it difficult to run the current schedule.  Some at the meeting speculated that racers in the area may be choosing not to join the Club given the wealth of race options outside of CRCA Club Races, including CRCA Open races.

The Board decided to discuss these issues at our next meeting, which will inform discussion of how to handle the load on the board (especially open racing) of the expanded open racing schedule developed in recent years.

 5) Results – The Board agreed to look into hiring a professional scoring service to score Club races.  This would also include gathering information on the  associated costs and various options which may include a  chip system for club races

Starting in 2013, the club started reporting results for virtually the whole field in many races. Previously the practice had been to report results only 7 or so spots deep.

 Several board members feel this new, more inclusive form of reporting is an important element of quality for club racing and should be continued, but it cannot be done with current personnel resources. There was considerable discussion of options and costs, including a chip system that would be mounted on the fork of each racer’s bike and use of a professional results service at club races.

 It was agreed that we need more data to have an informed discussion of the topic. Over email we will consider circulation of a member questionnaire to assess member interest in funding these results options, and Ken, Joe, Liz and Jayson will gather information on true costs and pluses/minuses of the possibilities being considered.

 6) (informed by 3 and 4) Board composition and responsibilities (how to address the issue of overload)

 This was postponed to follow discussion of how/whether to continue the expanded open racing schedule.

 7) (brief report) Documentation of board responsibilities and distribution of crucial tools

By the next board meeting, Jayson would like all board members to write down what they think their position entails – electronically. They should prepare or aggregate a list whatever tools they use. This includes links to google docs, spreadsheets, etc. We will put this all in one place – on a google drive. Jayson has already created it and will have details.

8) (brief report) Club Archives (David and Liz)

Liz Marcello arranged for pickup following the board meeting. Various storage options were discussed without resolution.

Items for next meeting (Aug. 17-23 bad for one member, last week of August, bad for another):

Question of open racing for 2015

Further discussion of results question

CRCA juniors – clarifying how CRCA can help with the staffing transition and clarifying the relationship between the two organizations and how communication and collaboration can be improved.

Archives-storage and processing

Respectfully submitted, David Carr, Secretary