“It is with the intention of reviving cycling and general good fellowship that once prevailed when everybody rode a bicycle that I take the Editorship.” Those words written by Sylvain Segal in the April 1909 issue of “The CRCA Bulletin”, still resonate today. Cycling in the US has been chasing after it’s golden days almost from the beginning.

Among other items in the April 1909 issue; the first century across the newly built Queensboro Bridge was set to happen and Asst. Sec. of State A.A. Adee was to embark on his annual weeks long cycling tour of Europe.

While we continue to yearn for the “Golden Age” and attempt to grow the sport and revive “good fellowship”, we’re also going to take a look back at the history of the sport in the US through the lens of CRCA and racing in New York.

Lou Maltese left several boxes of archive material to the club and we’re slowly making it available on this site. Check out the History section to read articles and look at brochures and pictures spanning from 1898 through the 1990’s.