CRCA Members,
Nominations for the Board of CRCA are now open and they will remain open for 30 days until Monday, November 10th. Each year all positions are open, so if you have an interest in any position, please contact the CRCA board secretary at secretary[at]crca.net. Self-nominations are allowed. A description of the roles of each position are included in the bylaws at http://archive.crca.net/about/by-
Following on a decision by the 2014 CRCA Board at its June 3 meeting, each person accepting a nomination for a board position needs to submit a brief statement (less than 150 words) explaining his or her qualifications for the position, interest and motivation for running. These statements will be publicized to club members in advance of the vote for the 2015 board.
CRCA is a volunteer organization that survives on the contribution of members who enjoy racing in and around New York City. This year we have a number of current board members who have decided not to run again for election and so a number of positions will not be opposed by the current board member. So far we have no current board members running for VP of racing, Director of Open Racing, Director of Marshaling, Director of Membership, Director of Teams, Public Relations Director, and Secretary. These are critical positions that need to be filled.
The club depends on members stepping up and serving on its board, and board members receive certain perks, including exemption from marshaling duties, membership fee and club race fees. Please consider nominating yourself or a fellow member to help the club move forward into 2015.