CRCA Members,

As we are nearing the final quarter of the 2013 season, we are reflecting upon what worked and what can be improved upon for the 2014 season.  With that, succession planning is one of our highest priorities.  We seek committed, enthusiastic, open-minded, and collaborative individuals who are passionate about bike racing and wish to both continue the traditions of CRCA and continue its innovations.

Below is an outline summarizing the duties of each of the Club’s Officers.  Please reach out to your current Directors for further details about any of the positions.

Details to follow on the nomination and election process.

~CRCA Board

Duties of Officers:

  • President. The President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association and shall represent, or assign a Member to represent, the Association to all outside parties, shall ensure that the agenda at all membership and Board of Directors meetings is carried out, and shall ensure that other elected Officers are pursuing the duties of their respective offices.
  • Vice President of Rider Development. The Vice President of Rider Development shall be responsible for planning, organizing and directing the training and development activities of the Association, with the assistance of a committee that may comprise Members and nonmembers; shall submit a schedule of planned training and development activities to the Communications Director for communication to Members; and shall assume the regular duties of the President if the President shall be incapacitated or in any way unable to perform those duties.
  • Vice President of Racing. The Vice President of Racing shall be responsible for planning, organizing and directing the racing activities of the Association, with the assistance of a committee that may comprise Members and nonmembers; shall submit a schedule of planned racing activities to the Communications Director for communication to the Members, and propose rules governing the conduct of Association races for approval by the Board of Directors.
  • Secretary. The Secretary shall give notice of and attend Association membership meetings and Board of Directors meetings; shall keep a record of such proceedings; shall submit a summary of such proceedings to the Communications Director for communication to the Members; shall maintain a record of Association policies; and shall provide a copy of the current by-laws, policies, or any minutes upon request by any Member.
  • Treasurer. The Treasurer shall keep an account of all moneys received and expended by and for the Association; shall make disbursements authorized by the Board of Directors; shall present a written report of the financial condition of the Association to the Board as of the last business day of each fiscal quarter; and shall render a complete statement of the Association’s financial condition and inventory of property as of December 31 of each year to the Board and, once approved by the Board, for communication to the Members.
  • Public Relations Director. The Public Relations Director shall represent the Association to the media, government and other organizations on all issues of public opinion and attitudes, in order to win and maintain public and government support for the Association, its programs and cyclists in general; and advise the Board of Directors on the public relations implications of the Association Policies.
  • Membership Director. The Membership Director shall promote membership in the Association; respond to membership inquiries; receive membership applications and dues payments; forward dues received to the Treasurer; acknowledge new Members; and maintain a roster of Association Members and prepare it for communication to the Members.
  • Communications Director. The Communications Director shall be responsible for the composition of communications to Members.  In addition to communications required elsewhere within the By-laws, the Communications Director shall be responsible for providing timely communications of Association activities including a list of all Association events, a summary of the proceedings of the Board of Directors meetings (as prepared by the Secretary and approved by the Board), any other business the President or Board of Directors may order for communication to the membership, and, at the Communications Director’s discretion, any materials submitted for publication by Members or nonmembers.
  • Marshal Director. The Marshal Director shall be responsible for planning, organizing and directing the fulfillment of the Association’s needs for marshals at races, including the development of marshal procedures and policy, the scheduling of Members’ marshaling assignments, the appointment of a marshal captain for each race and maintaining records of Members’ marshaling service.
  • Director of Open Racing. The Director of Open Racing shall be responsible for the administrative tasks in running an open race, including filings with the Parks Department., USA Cycling and others as necessary.  The Director shall coordinate with the promoter by maintaining a schedule of job deadlines in order to bring the race to a successful completion.
  • Director of Teams. The Director of Teams shall be responsible for arranging team contributions to the Association; provide an up-to-date roster of teams and team members to the Board of Directors and as required by others, and maintain liaison with team managers.

CRCA By-Laws available here.