What's new in Master's racing?
For 2015, CRCA has added a new Masters Team Cup and a Masters Jim Boyd Award to our already robust Masters racing schedule. The Master’s Jim Boyd Cup will be awarded to the top M40+ racer of the season and the Masters Team Cup Award is given to the sub-team from the M40+ field that scores the most points in club and open races across the entire season.

CRCA is always looking for ways to add value to our club racers’ membership package. Recognizing that Masters racers are a cornerstone of our overall club membership and of the local racing community, we believe these improvements will improve the Masters racer’s overall club experience.

2015 Club Masters

2015 Masters Races

2015 Masters Titles

CRCA Masters Racing Resources
  • CRCA’s Full 2015 Racing Calendar with designated Masters races available here.
  • Keep up to date on the Masters Team Cup and Masters Jim Boyd standings here.
  • Join the CRCA Masters Racers Facebook Group to learn about local Masters racing opportunities, stay in touch with fellow racers, and discuss topics of interest to the community.