CRCA will be holding orientation for new members on Feb. 28 at 8 am in Central Park. The group will meet at Tavern on the Green. The session will include an off bike orientation on bike racing specifically addressing issues of racing in Central Park. This will be followed by an on-bike session on basic racing skills. It will be between 1.5 and 2 hours depending on participants’ preferences and interests.

The session is not mandatory but is highly recommended for all new members regardless of riding and racing experience. CRCA coaches Katie Lambden, Scot Willingham, Ann-Marie Miller and David Jordan will lead the session. CRCA Director of Rider Development Ken Harris will lead the orientation discussion.

The orientation session will discuss the particular responsibilities that each CRCA member has in order for us to maintain our races in Central Park. Expectations for new racers will be addressed.

This will be followed by an on bike session to go over racing skills.
The group will be divided into groups of 6 – 10 to do paceline and bike handling drills. This coaching session is designed to increase your race-readiness and the safety of yourself and others in the peloton.

Participants should bring training wheels, not race wheels, and be prepared to ride on the grass to practice wheel-bumping. Dress in windproof layers so you will be comfortable both riding at a medium pace and slowing down to practice particular skills. This will be an active clinic, but the sweat will be more from concentration than exertion!

Attendees must bring their USCF membership cards and a signed USCF Release form.

One of the things CRCA does best is bring new riders into cycling. This clinic is part of the free coaching provided by the club to help new racers get the hang of things. Whether you have joined a subteam or not, this clinic (along with CRCA’s other free coaching sessions) is a great opportunity to hone your skills with highly experienced riders. Besides the free coaching sessions the club offers throughout the year, a few experienced A field riders will be riding with the C field in the first races of the season to provide guidance.