USACycling will be conducting a clinic to certify new officials on February 21 and 22 in New York City.
The February 21 meeting will consist of a presentation by Judy Miller on USCF rules and the responsibilities of officials. This will be followed by the test for official certification. On passing the test one is a certified Class C Official and can be assigned to work local races.

On February 22, USCF Trustee David Miller, who has helped write the book on moto officiating for the USCF and has worked as a moto in all of the top races in the United States including the Tour of California and the Tour of Georgia, will conduct a clinic on “How to be a moto official in a bicycle race.” It is hoped that many of the moto drivers in CRCA races will attend.

If moto drivers wish to become USCF officials , they must attend the Saturday session. As an incentive, CRCA will pay the $30 fee for an officials license for all CRCA motos. Becoming a USCF official will also earn motos bonus pay when motoing a CRCA race.

The clinic will be held at Rob Stern’s studio on 80 West Third Street – just off Thompson St. , near the West Fourth Street Subway.
The CRCA thanks Rob for his support to make this event possible.
The February 21 meeting will start at 10 am.