CRCA Board Meeting-Minutes
Date: January 7, 2014 7:30 PM
Location: Office of Huge, 45 Main Street , Brooklyn, NY

In attendance: Jayson Jacobs (president), Rod Millott, Harry Zernike, Ken Edwards, Scot Willingham, Joe Grgic, Roger Parmelee, Josh Sakofsky, Lucia Deng, Liz Marcello, Ann Marie Miller, Ashley Doane and also (by phone) Matthew Vandivort, Barb Blakley, Lisa Kennish, and David Carr.


1) Transition in board 

Rod Millott and others walked through different positions, reviewing what they involve and important contacts.

Roger Parmelee confirmed that Director of Public Relations is taking over sponsorship seeking and management and he is receiving information on this from Matt Vandivort

One item that has been desired in past years is an online video instructing new marshals and/or other resources to provide more guidance

The treasurer needs to gather W-2 forms and generate 1099’s in the wake of the audit the club underwent last year

Open Racing—Jim Washington was really helpful and should be drawn on again

Club Racing – Management of motos is key, and Stephen Chang has been invaluable on this. If there are disputes, important thing is for officials to get input promptly from motos (who are empowered to write down numbers and a primary source of information) as well as relevant others, communicating their decision that day to those involved. Rod also reviewed a timeline and contacts for contacting emergency services, the parks department, etc. in advance of races.

2) Steps Toward Opening the 2014 Member Renewal Page  

Rod Millott reviewed major steps toward the annual opening of club renewal

(the membership page was not shut down, but renewing members can’t choose marshal dates yet. Nick Black can shut it down temporarily.)

VP of Club racing puts dates into database (with permission)
Director of Communication publicizes on website,
Confirm Marshal Page and Race Page is ok
Consider whether we should keep race fees, membership fees the same?
President (consulting with communications) – Email announcement on when we plan to open for membership end of January (usually)

Info on resources: Nick Black does the backend database, Matt Howard does the website. Nick is the one who needs to close the membership page (if we want to do so).

3) The 2014 Race Schedule

The following preliminary list of park race dates was approved (this list, pretty weighted this year toward early season club races, is close to what we received from the Parks department, with a date or two moved later than the initial Parks department proposal.)

March 1, 8, 22, 29
April 19, 26
May 4, 17, 24, 31
June 7, 21, 29
July 20
August 9, 23

There was discussion of the CRCA supporting the continuance of the Grants Tomb Criterium, under the umbrella of Columbia University, hopefully on March 15. In the event that the Grants Tomb Criterium must be held on March 8, a club race date, the board will need to consider how best to use that race date in a way, say through focus on the mens and womens racing clinics and perhaps a cat. 5 race that day, while also running the Grants Tomb Criterium.  Those decisions will be taken if and when it becomes clear there is a conflict. For now the intent is that the Grants Tomb race be held March 15.

4) Continuation of the requirement of a skills clinic for new racers

It was resolved to continue the policy from 2013 to have all new racers complete a CRCA coaching skills clinic as a precondition for being allowed to participate in a club race. This clinic counts as one of the new member’s two required marshaling requirements for the year.

5) Field limits for subteams 

The following limits were reaffirmed for the 2014 racing year: a maximum of the following may race in a given field —
7 for the A or masters field; 9 for the B field; and 9 for the Women’s field

6) Counting associate members for team duty 

For now the current point system will be kept in place, with the director of teams responsible for making final decisions regarding assignment of team duty. The director may take into account when a given team’s roster includes a substantial portion of associate members, but the director is left the discretion, as before, to take them into account in assessing a given team’s level of duty.

7) Location and Time of Next Meeting

A strong sentiment was expressed for holding future meetings in Manhattan. Joe Grgic and Josh Sakowsky indicated that each might have space in their workplace (in midtown and Chelsea respectively) where the board could meet. They are checking on it.

Exact time to be determined by Doodle poll, but Rod Millott recommended a mid-Feburary date to insure that adequate preparations are made for a dense racing schedule beginning March 1.

8) Items not covered requiring future discussion: 

Number hand out night. 3rd and Long is no longer open. Need new venue in Manhattan, pretty central, accessible by subway with drinks. Ideas?
Finalization of racing schedule including TT’s and other open races
Review and finalization of 2014 Budget (confirm 1099’s issued for 2013)
Women’s racing and support

Respectfully submitted,

David Carr, Secretary