The monthly meeting of the Board of Directors of the Century Road Club Association was held on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. at Board member Steve Donaldson’s office at Underscore Marketing on West 23rd Street in Manhattan. Board members Mike Green, Martha Lees, Douglas von Bushberger, Chris Forsyth, Alex Bremer, Ken Harris, Sonny Bindra, Noah Gellner, and Steve Donaldson were present. Rob Stern was also present at the beginning of the meeting for his presentation.

1. Rob Stern made a presentation to the Board about a 1909 CRCA medal he had located and his idea that the Board might wish to use a replica of the historic medal as a prize. Rob has located a manufacturer who could make the medals for $700 in setup charges plus a certain amount per medal, depending on the quantity ordered. Under this pricing model, the Board could order 100 medals for less than $2,000. Rob left the meeting after presenting the concept and the Board then discussed the idea. The Board members agreed in principle that using the medals would be a good idea; the only issue undecided was whether to give a medal as a sole prize or to use it as a supplemental prize such as for each of the team members on the team that wins the Team Cup. The Board voted unanimously to authorize the payment of the setup charge plus $300 (i.e. $1,000 total) to begin the process of ordering the medals.

2. The next Board meeting was set for Monday, March 2, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. at Communications Director Steve Donaldson’s office.

3. The minutes of the January meeting were approved.

4. The Board conducted a discussion about best practices for online voting. Vice President of Rider Development Ken Harris suggested that for online votes there should be a motion, a second, and, except in the case of urgent matters, some time for members to consider the motion. Director of Teams Doug von Bushberger suggested that the Board might wish to consider using the Yahoo Polls function to conduct online voting, with the person making the motion setting up the poll.

5. Vice President of Racing Alex Bremer provided an update on club racing. He reviewed for the Board the dates for each club race and the fields, start time, number of laps, race type, and finish line for each. He noted that, for variety, some finishes are planned for West 100th Street and the Metropolitan Museum as well as for Cat’s Paw. The Board discussed these arrangements and Alex agreed to circulate a revised draft racing plan reflecting various Board members’ suggestions.

6. Membership Director Chris Forsyth gave a report on membership matters. He noted that a number of members have renewed already, and that renewals will probably jump just before February 15, when the renewal fee increases by $10. Chris consulted with the Board about how many race numbers to send members; the consensus was two. Chris also initiated a discussion about marking numbers with different stamps or stickers for each race as a way to ensure that members have submitted a release, paid the fee, and are eligible to participate in the race.

7. Ken Harris gave a report on rider development and coaching. Ken noted that he has been riding on weekends with some of the juniors and that, in general, he has some motivated juniors in the group. Ken reported that the total number of juniors is eleven and that at least nine are fairly committed to the program. Ken has registered all of the juniors for the Battenkill race. Ken noted that Ann Marie Miller, Dave Jordan, Mike Sherry, Scot Willingham, and Katie Lambden will be coaching this year. Ken also solicited ideas for coaching sessions; some ideas offered by Board members were sessions on pack riding skills and pacelining.

8. Club President (and 2008 Director of Open Racing) Mike Green gave an update on open racing, with the participation of current Director of Open Racing Noah Gellner. Mike noted that he is still trying to arrange a Coney Island Criterium for May 9, the day before the Bear Mountain Spring Classic. Mike met with local officials on January 21 and they were enthusiastic about the criterium. A meeting with local police officials is scheduled for February 6 to drive through the course. The race would start and finish in front of the Nathan’s restaurant and would be a .5 or .6 mile course with 6 or 7 turns. As for the Bear Mountain Spring Classic, the date of May 10 has been settled with Harriman State Park. Mike and Noah have already arranged to have three cars for neutral support and will try to get five.

9. The Board discussed the possibility of awarding a prize for the Club’s best rider in open races. Doug von Bushberger felt that it would be good to value the positive representation of CRCA in open races in this manner, and that a winner could be chosen in an objective manner rather than by voting, which would make the process less of a “popularity contest.” It was agreed that Doug and Mike Green will create a list of eligible races and will then work with Alex Bremer to establish a weighting system for use in calculating a final score for the award.

10. The Board discussed the possibility of giving awards for Club track champion and Club cyclocross champion. Ken Harris noted that according recognition for track prowess would help the Club retain track riders. The Board voted unanimously to award medals for the best male and female track and cross riders in the Club, with the track prize to be determined by state championship results.

11. Mike Green observed that USCF trustee Dave Miller would be offering a USCF course on moto officiating on February 22, and noted the benefit to the Club of motos having a moto official’s license. Mike suggested that the Club may wish to create incentives for motos to obtain official’s licenses. After further discussion, the Board voted unanimously to pay for the licenses of motos who take and pass the official’s licensing test. The Board also recommended that Alex Bremer exercise his discretion as Vice President of Racing to pay a higher fee to motos that have an official’s license. Alex indicated that he plans to do so.

At approximately 8:30 p.m. the meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Martha Lees, Secretary