CRCA Board Meeting-Minutes

Date: Feburary 11, 2013, 7:00 pm             Location: 115 W. 18th Street, NY, NY (office of Josh Sakofsky)

In attendance: Jayson Jacobs (president), Ken Edwards, Joe Grgic, Roger Parmelee (by phone), Josh Sakofsky, Ann Marie Miller, Liz Marcello, Ashley Doane, Barb Blakley, and David Carr.


 1) Moved and approved to fund purchase of Quickbooks ($660 a year) and Billpay

2) Moved and approved to fund the 2013 CRCA club contribution to the USADA program, which was at the level of $1.50 per member (total of $1698) 

And moved and approved to up the contribution for 2014 to 2$ per 2013 member

(this will be presented to NYSBRA in January 2015)

3) Moved and approved: 2013 retiring board members are relieved of 2014 marshal duty

Moved and approved: from 2015 and onward, retiring board members will be relieved of marshal duty 

NOTE: the 2014 board cannot vote this privilege for themselves, but this item can be revisited in 2015

4) Website redesign

It was agreed that this is urgently needed and the current board has a critical mass of web professionals to provide leadership. Barb Blakley, Joe Grgic, and Jayson Jacobs will form a subcommittee to take the next steps. Jayson Jacobs will create and share a Googledoc to collect a wishlist of features from other board members.

When funding is clear, it can be voted remotely or at a future meeting.

5) Finalizing Club races – Liz Marcello reported that this is in hand.

6) Grants Tomb

Josh Sakofsky volunteered to lead the all-night clearing project, and he was authorized to clear the double suspension status of a couple of racers who are willing to join him.

A New Jersey team will be consulted on whether they can help with removal of trash

The third shift is still low on marshals

7) Clinics

The Women’s Clinic is coming together fine. Main problem is its conflict with the Women’s Masters Championship, but that is unavoidable given the front-weighted set of dates we were given by the park.

Ashley will join Liz and Barb in getting some men/men’s teams involved in the organization of the men’s clinic

8) Sponsorship/Promotion

Jayson had a very productive discussion with NYC Velo, and Roger is talking with a number of possibilities. There is an acute need to find a sponsor willing to lend their name and major funding to bringing back the Bear Mountain Race.

9) Proposal to increase membership

The following motion (brought by Ken Edwards) was made and passed:

For each new member (i.e. not a club member in 2012 or 2013) that an existing CRCA member recruits to the club, we provide that paid member with one free club race entry.  

Two other proposals developed by Matt Vandivort and Ken Edwards for increasing membership (through referrals and using lists of new racers from open races) will be further developed in light of concerns about administration, unforeseen consequences (non-motivating begininning racers to join before their first open CRCA race, etc.).

10) CRCA Coaching Incentive Proposal – Ann Marie Miller

Purpose: Encourage new & existing riders to take more advantage of the CRCA Coaching program by providing recognition for attending CRCA coaching sessions:

The following motion was made by Ann Marie Miller and passed

Those who attend 4 CRCA Coaching Sessions (Skills sessions and CRCA New Racer Orientation included) earn a FREE entry to a CRCA Club race

For the 2014 season, the rider who attends the MOST CRCA Coaching sessions will earn the Grand Prize of a FREE Dinosaur Race entry for 2014.  

Riders who attend over 10 CRCA Coaching sessions will earn a place in a drawing at the end of season party for a FREE CRCA Club membership for 2015 

11) Early Season party – we will clarify number distribution/party when we have numbers

Treasurer’s report circulated pre-meeting


• The Bank accounts have been fully transitioned except for checks:

o Payment options moving forward will be treated:

  • Chase Check (5-7 Days)
  • Chase QuickPay (30 minutes but you have to have a chase account)
  • Check (Checks orderd…)
  • Cash – Totally want to stay away from this due to IRS issues in the past)

• CPA Conversation

o Better record keeping will prevent another audit


• Implement QuickBooks ($660 p/y)

• Use it for budgeting/for4casting/reporting

The CPA is going to review the lay-up and offer suggestions that will minimize risk

The point is that we have to get better at recording keeping and reporting

• Orders have been placed for: walkies, safety pins,

• Major checks have been cut/sent to CPC (for the security deposit) and The CPA (1/2 payment for Medical support) and GT expenses (thus far to Josh)

budget picture