March 5th, 2012, 7:00 pm

The Meeting Commenced at 7pm

1. Approval of February minutes –APPROVED

2. Feedback/considerations/issues after first club race:

-Weather impeded on number of racers, but still a good turnout

-Finish line camera may need to be replaced, numbers were not clearly visible as needed. Board will look into purchasing a new one.

-Traffic on the website after the race also spike; >4,000 for that day.

3. Membership/Orientation update:

-Membership up from this point in the season last year; 100 more members.

-New membership is also up.

-As reported by Scot and Annemarie, orientation was well attended and went well.

-There is a high demand for the men’s clinic.  March 17 clinic is sold out, as well at the waitlist. Board will look into hosting another/more clinics in addition to the current race schedule; possibly one on River Road.

4. Report on team duty process & sign up:

Board still waiting for final report from Sonny (not present).

5. Finance Summary:

-An official summary will be emailed to the board.

6. Champion Systems Team code of conduct (follow-up):

Board has agreed to provide a link to the Champion Systems Team CoC on the  website. The board is not adopting this code of conduct as their own, but acknowledging and informing its members of its existence. It will not be written as a separate report on the website.

7. Opening race skills clinics to include non-CRCA members:

-Board has agreed that opening the skills clinic will not only be beneficial to non-members, but also our members who may be racing/riding with these cyclists outside of CRCA races. Offering these clinics may also encourage new riders to join the club.

-Board has agreed that provided that we have enough coaches/resources available, they will be willing to offer these clinics to non-members for a fee.  Although the board is willing to open these clinics, offering these clinics to CRCA members  remains the priority.

8. NYCC SIG program discount:

-Board has agreed the NYCC SIG graduates are a good resource for new skilled riders.

-Board has agreed to provide a discounted membership rate for riders who have complete NYCC SIG, as well as possibly providing a marshaling credit.

-Board agreed to advertise this incentive to SIG members through flyers at various SIG sessions.

9. Board discussion & decision needed on NYS Championship

-Rod proposed two alternatives for the NYS Championship venues:

1. Pawling Road Race

-Board agreed the venue is good race option with close proximity to NYC

-Board also agreed it would be willing to offer some support for the race (i.e. marshals).

2. Whiteface

-This will also be the venue for the NYS Criterium championship the day prior; could be a championship weekend event.

-Board agreed that the venue is too far to offer any support for  hosting the championship.

-Rod is still undergoing talks with both of the race presenters.

10. Alternative B Race competitions:

-In order to encourage a different type of strategic racing David proposed a “break-away cup” for the remaining non- “B-Team Cup Points” races:

  • Finishers are awarded points in the same manner as our other races
  • Finishers also must have at least a 10 second gap on the field.

-Board has agreed that this (encouraging different race strategies) was the goal of eliminating the points from all the B races this year. The results from this are still unseen, and this proposal will be re-evaluated later in the season.

11. Subteam Website requirement:

Board has agreed that it will not require sub-teams to host a website for their team.

12. Other matters:

-Tappan Zee Redevelopment

  • NYCC has asked the CRCA to support the bike path development project of the Tappan Zee bridge.
  • Board has agreed that existence of the bike path will only be beneficial to its members, providing new and different training routes.
  • Board has agreed to work with the NYCC.
  • Board has agreed to review and sign behind any submissions.

– CRCA branding:

  • Harry proposed to change the branding of the CRCA to Century Racing:

-In new graphics

-As part of the team name, instead of “CRCA/….”

  • Board has agreed not to change the team names, but would be willing to change the branding of the CRCA in graphics and advertisements.


As the result of the update on Saturday’s marshaling a few issues arose:

  • Rob reported that marshal crediting for skills clinic has caused confusion in the administrative sector and need to be reorganized:

-Need for a separate email for those attending clinics and those preforming normal marshaling duties- to clarify confusion amongst members.

  • As numbers of members are rising we are generating a surplus. Less duties may be required of members in the years to come.
  • Marshal Instruction

-Rewrite the reminder email to include a reminder that all marshals should be mobilized (i.e. have a bike or rollerblades) and if person is injured they are to inform the marshal director.

-Marshals should be instructed to bring a cell phone.

-Rob is also working on generating an instructional video

  • Walk-up marshaling will no longer be accepted; will no longer work to negate suspensions.

– Social Ride to take place Sunday March 18.

  • Rod has acquired a permit for this ride and the following one.

13. Next meeting date and location: Tuesday April 3, location TBD