CRCA/Empire alum Jon Chodroff won the opening day TT and held on to win the GC title in his first race as a pro for Ouch/Maxis. CRCA/Radical Media’s Evie Stevens shows increasing pro potential as she won the road race and came in second in the crit. If not for flatting in the TT, Evie would have joined Jon as a GC winner and she has not even been racing for a full year.

CRCA/Empire’s Mike Mathis and Dan Zmolik finished 9th and 10th in GC.
Kyle Peppo finished a very respecatble 10th GC in the Cat 3 race.

In the TT ,Chodroff won in 28:57. CRCA/Empire’s Mike Mathis 30:20 and Daniel Zmolik 30:26 turned in excellent times finishing in the top 10. Other local riders in the P/1 race were, Peter Salon (Garmin) 30:42 , Joao Correia (Bissell) 31:09, Nick Friesen (Mengoni) 32:08, John Loehner (CRCA/Empire) 32:50 and Eugene Boronow (Mengoni) 33:07. Chris Chaput (CRCA/Jonathan Adler) turned in a 33:39 in the Cat 2 race and Kyle Peppo (CRCA/Jonathan Adler) an excellent 33:01 in the Cat 3. Good to see that Kevin Brubaker (CRCA/Pacifico) has much more time on his hands this year as he finished in 33:45 in the Cat 3 race.