Minutes – CRCA Board Meeting
February 8, 2010

Attendees – Sonny Bindra, David Bowen, Chris Forsythe, Mike Green, David Greenberg, Cami Kornely, Wendy Nickerson, Jen Saunders, and Tony Slokar

I. Next Meeting – March 1st, 6:45 p.m. (location TBD).

II. Past Minutes – Any Board member revisions/corrections to previously circulated minutes are due by February 10.

III. Racing
a. Action Items – David Bowen will coordinate execution of contracts with New York City and secure motos.
b. Rules – Rules need to be updated by David Bowen and sent out to membership.
c. Race Schedule – As VP of Racing, David Bowen will determine the race length and format. Following discussion, the Board recommended to David Bowen that the race start times prior to June 26th be set at 6:00 to allow members to travel from outside of Manhattan (particularly given the sunrise times in the early spring). It was observed that club members appreciate the longer races. However, the general consensus was that, prior to June 26th, it did not make sense to have races longer than 7 laps for the A field.

IV. Rider Development
a. 2010 Coaches – Tony Slokar reported that there were 4 coaches that are currently on board for 2010 – Ann Marie Miller, Dave Jordan, Scot Willingham, and Deirdre Murphy
b. Permits – Tony will complete the permit process for coaching sessions and will, to the extent possible, file for permits for the full season for set days of the week.
c. Coached Rides For New Members – Tony plans to have coached rides for new members on February 2Oth and 27th.
d. Junior Team Proposal. Tony reported that he expects Ken Harris to make a presentation to the Board for 2010 junior plans.
e. Time Trial Coaching – Tony indicated that he was looking into a time trialing coaching series (e.g., over 6-8 weeks).
f. Sub-Teams As Barrier to Getting Started – The Board discussed whether new members felt that a sub-team was a ‘necessary’ requirement to begin racing and, if so, whether this was a barrier to CRCA. The Board did not find any need to make any change to the sub-team structure.
g. Women’s Only Coaching Sessions – The Board discussed continuing women-only sessions, observing that this appeared to be successful in prior years (led by Nina Strika, for example).

V. Membership
a. Increased YTD Membership- Chris Forsythe reported Increased registration year-to-date compared to 2009. It is difficult, however, to understand whether this increase will be sustained for 2010.
b. Race Numbers – Chris will mail out race numbers, using the same system as last year (2 numbers sent to each member, and a 3rd number held at the races in case a member loses their number and provided for a $5 fee).
c. Notice Regarding February 15th Early Registration Discount – A notice should be sent out to members that the early registration discount ends on February 15th.

VI. Teams
a. Number of Teams – Cami reported that currently there are 33 teams for 2010.
c. New Teams – Overstock.com, Gotham/Toga, Chomper Body, and Echappe are notable new CRCA teams. The Board discussed whether there was a minimum number of riders required in order to form a team but did not feel that a minimum needed to be established.
d. High Priority Team Duties – Cami will develop a list of highest priority duties so that the high priority duties are covered by teams. The Board discussed as priorities: CRCA’s Bear Mountain open races, Time Trials, Harlem Criterium. Also, the Board noted that it’s important to maintain a presence at CPC events.
e. Final Rosters – Rosters must be accurate. If names do not appear on a roster and a team has a rider in a team cup event, the team will not be eligible to earn team cup points.

VII. Marshaling
a. Initial Races – Based on member marshal date selections, we have full coverage for 1st 3 races.
b. Projections – Assuming same number of members, Sonny Bindra did not anticipate any issues with having sufficient marshals for all club races.
c. 2009 Suspensions – Data from `09 needs to be brought forward to catch those who “owe” dates from `09. Sonny Bindra will follow-up on this.
d. Bear Mountain Requirements – Sonny has allocated 40 marshal spots slated for Bear Mountain.
e. Updated Marshal Instructions – Sonny will update marshal instructions, providing additional details regarding role of marshals.

VIII. Financials
a. 2010 Update – Wendy Nickerson will update the financials to capture 2010 renewals and pre-season expenditures.
IX. Publicity
a. NYCC Coordination – Jen Saunders indicated she wanted to coordinate with NYCC generally on publicity and with respect to bridge repairs.
b. General Publicity – Jen will generate event specific publicity, with an eye to generating greater publicity among all cyclist constituents and the general public.

X. Secretary
a. Minutes – Prior minutes will be posted on the website for CRCA members.
b. Legal – David Greenberg will also review club legal issues with outside counsel, including, for example, the 2009 case relating to an marshal injured during a club race.

David Greenberg
CRCA Secretary