Garmin/Slipstream coach Allen Lim will speak on “Balancing Theory and Craft — An inside look at the science and humanity that drives the Garmin Slipstream cycling team” on March 15 at The Arsenal in Central Park at 2pm. $20 entry fee includes raffle ticket for a PowerTap. $5 for additional raffle tickets.

While Allen helped in developing the science behind the use of power meters to optimize performance, this will not be a forum about using the standard testing protocol to find your threshold and then plug in the numbers to develop a program.
Allen will explicate his “scientific approach to training by feel.” His message is about balance. He sums up his approach with the Garmin riders; “After all, they’re not Lance, I’m not Chris, and this is not the bible we’re talking about.”

At the University of Colorado,where Allen received his Phd in Integrative Physiology, he and his peers in the Applied Exercise Science Laboratory completed much of the groundbreaking research in the use of power and heart rate monitoring to optimize cycling performance.
Besides his work with Garmin/Slipstream, Dr. Lim is the Director of Education for Saris, the maker of the Powertap.

In an article in the London Times, Paul Kimmage wrote of Lim “he’s a human dynamo, the heartbeat of Vaughters’s team and the brains behind most of their cutting-edge technology…Lim has been blessed with a truly brilliant mind. He’s an encyclopaedia of physiology, a wizard with technology.”

Additionally Lim has gained some notoriety for the special rice cakes he prepares for the team.

Read Allen’s interview with nyvelocity,

Forum moderator,John Eusitce, is a former US Pro National Champion rider, the promoter of the Univest Grand Prix and the Harlem Criterium, and a leading cycling commentator having worked at ESPN and CBS as well as a past president of CRCA.

This forum is part of CRCA’s commitment to not only bring you the latest information about training but to give you an opportunity to hear directly from those responsible.

Register for the forum on bikereg . Seating is limited.

Proceeds of the forum will benefit the CRCA Junior Development program.