Chris Leong Battenkill Cat 5 Winner

Category 5 Winner – Chris Leong The race begins slowly. The first five miles are essentially a neutral start until we take a sharp left turn onto a side road where a rider’s tire immediately pops. It is a subtle reminder of the obstacles ahead. My NYVelocity teammate, Daniel Bersohn, and I stay at the…


David Anthony – 2009 Battenkill Cat 5 Winner

35+ Category 5 Winner – David Anthony I started racing at the end of last season with NY Velocity. Alex Ostroy, Matt Richards and Francisco Liuzzi have all been instrumental in helping me to develop and begin to understand the fundamentals of racing. Battenkill was my first out of town race. Some of the team…


Alistair Siebert – Battenkill Cat 4 Winner

Category 4 Winner – Alistair Siebert Courtesy of some fantastic hospitality from Steve and Carolyn and a ride in up the Marmobile the night before I awoke in a picturesque cottage 10 miles out of Cambridge to the sound of woodpeckers pinging off the trees nearby. Wandering into the fantastically well-stocked kitchen I was greeted…
