Board election

Please vote for the 2008 CRCA Board of Directors:

Voting closes on December 14.


License renewal has opened on usacycling. If any teams have changed their names, please let me or another board member know. Also, the Board voted to open CRCA renewal in early January, which will likely be before the Parks Deptartment has given us race dates. CRCA race numbers will not be mailed out until the race schedule is set and racers have selected their marshaling dates.


2007 ITT Club Championship

By David Wagener Darwin would be proud. The first ever Club ITT Championship held at Floyd Bennett Field in 2006 was a timid affair. 71 men and 9 women, ventured from the friendly confines of time-tested Central Park, braced against a deafening wind, and got thrashed. On a five lap course totaling 11.5 miles, only…


Off-Season Strength Training

Strength training is an interesting topic among competitive cyclists as many only strength train during the off-season and some do not strength train at all. There are many reasons why this is the case. First, cycling like all endurance sports takes a lot of time to train for and after family and work obligations leaves…
